Letztes Wochenende hatte ich das große Vergnügen, Fotos beim Dreh eines Filmes zu machen. Es war mein erster Einsatz als Setfotograf und ich fand es wirklich großartig. Immer etwas los, talentierte Schauspieler, ein tolles Team - so mag ich das!
Und: Es gab einen Zombie! Keine Ahnung, ob Zombies nachtaktive Wesen sind, aber zumindest die Schauspielerin war bereits ab 6 Uhr morgens im Einsatz - zusammen mit Melanie Glawon, die für das fantastische Make-up und das Haar unserer Untoten verantwortlich war.
Zombie comedy Brain Freeze set photo by Matthias Hauser http://hauserfoto.comFilm still from the set of the zombie comedy 'Brain Freeze', an episode from the 'An Evil Man' series, written and directed by Niles Maxwell. Most photos available as print / usage license.
Cast: Agnes Decker (Zombie), Andrew Malky (Evil Man), Thomas Goersch (Grocery Clerk), Edda Lina Janz (Shopper)
Hair and Make-up: Melanie Glawon
Camera: Daniel Schunn
Sound: Jonathan Müller
Nach drei Stunden war der Zombie fertig - und sah auch so aus:
Zombie comedy Brain Freeze set photo by Matthias Hauser http://hauserfoto.comFilm still from the set of the zombie comedy 'Brain Freeze', an episode from the 'An Evil Man' series, written and directed by Niles Maxwell. Most photos available as print / usage license.
Cast: Agnes Decker (Zombie), Andrew Malky (Evil Man), Thomas Goersch (Grocery Clerk), Edda Lina Janz (Shopper)
Hair and Make-up: Melanie Glawon
Camera: Daniel Schunn
Sound: Jonathan Müller
Nach und nach traf der Rest des Filmteams ein und bald hieß es zum ersten Mal "Action!"
Zombie comedy Brain Freeze set photo by Matthias Hauser http://hauserfoto.comFilm still from the set of the zombie comedy 'Brain Freeze', an episode from the 'An Evil Man' series, written and directed by Niles Maxwell. Most photos available as print / usage license.
Cast: Agnes Decker (Zombie), Andrew Malky (Evil Man), Thomas Goersch (Grocery Clerk), Edda Lina Janz (Shopper)
Hair and Make-up: Melanie Glawon
Camera: Daniel Schunn
Sound: Jonathan Müller
Zombie comedy Brain Freeze set photo by Matthias Hauser http://hauserfoto.comFilm still from the set of the zombie comedy 'Brain Freeze', an episode from the 'An Evil Man' series, written and directed by Niles Maxwell. Most photos available as print / usage license.
Cast: Agnes Decker (Zombie), Andrew Malky (Evil Man), Thomas Goersch (Grocery Clerk), Edda Lina Janz (Shopper)
Hair and Make-up: Melanie Glawon
Camera: Daniel Schunn
Sound: Jonathan Müller
Gedreht wurde eine Episode der Serie "An Evil Man", diese Folge wird den Titel "Brain Freeze" erhalten.
Zombie comedy Brain Freeze set photo by Matthias Hauser http://hauserfoto.comFilm still from the set of the zombie comedy 'Brain Freeze', an episode from the 'An Evil Man' series, written and directed by Niles Maxwell. Most photos available as print / usage license.
Cast: Agnes Decker (Zombie), Andrew Malky (Evil Man), Thomas Goersch (Grocery Clerk), Edda Lina Janz (Shopper)
Hair and Make-up: Melanie Glawon
Camera: Daniel Schunn
Sound: Jonathan Müller
Sara Azarmi mit der Klappe
Ausgedacht hat sich die witzige Story Niles Maxwell, der auch Regie führte:
Zombie comedy Brain Freeze set photo by Matthias Hauser http://hauserfoto.comFilm still from the set of the zombie comedy 'Brain Freeze', an episode from the 'An Evil Man' series, written and directed by Niles Maxwell. Most photos available as print / usage license.
Cast: Agnes Decker (Zombie), Andrew Malky (Evil Man), Thomas Goersch (Grocery Clerk), Edda Lina Janz (Shopper)
Hair and Make-up: Melanie Glawon
Camera: Daniel Schunn
Sound: Jonathan Müller
Niles Maxwell mit Kameramann Daniel Schunn beim Begutachten einer Szene
Mit meiner "großen" Kamera (Nikon D800) konnte ich aufgrund des Geräusches beim Auslösen nur während der Drehpausen fotografieren. Da wir nicht allzu viel Zeit zum Nachstellen von Szenen hatten war ich sehr froh über meine kleine und leise Sony RX100 die ich während des Drehs benutzte um Spielszenen live zu fotografieren.
Hier einige Impressionen vom Dreh:
Zombie comedy Brain Freeze set photo by Matthias Hauser http://hauserfoto.comFilm still from the set of the zombie comedy 'Brain Freeze', an episode from the 'An Evil Man' series, written and directed by Niles Maxwell. Most photos available as print / usage license.
Cast: Agnes Decker (Zombie), Andrew Malky (Evil Man), Thomas Goersch (Grocery Clerk), Edda Lina Janz (Shopper)
Hair and Make-up: Melanie Glawon
Camera: Daniel Schunn
Sound: Jonathan Müller
Meinen Alkohol bekommst du nicht!
Zombie comedy Brain Freeze set photo by Matthias Hauser http://hauserfoto.comFilm still from the set of the zombie comedy 'Brain Freeze', an episode from the 'An Evil Man' series, written and directed by Niles Maxwell. Most photos available as print / usage license.
Cast: Agnes Decker (Zombie), Andrew Malky (Evil Man), Thomas Goersch (Grocery Clerk), Edda Lina Janz (Shopper)
Hair and Make-up: Melanie Glawon
Camera: Daniel Schunn
Sound: Jonathan Müller
Der Zombie hat Heißhunger auf Brain Freeze Eiscreme
Zombie comedy Brain Freeze set photo by Matthias Hauser http://hauserfoto.comFilm still from the set of the zombie comedy 'Brain Freeze', an episode from the 'An Evil Man' series, written and directed by Niles Maxwell. Most photos available as print / usage license.
Cast: Agnes Decker (Zombie), Andrew Malky (Evil Man), Thomas Goersch (Grocery Clerk), Edda Lina Janz (Shopper)
Hair and Make-up: Melanie Glawon
Camera: Daniel Schunn
Sound: Jonathan Müller
Da hilft nur noch Alkohol...
Zombie comedy Brain Freeze set photo by Matthias Hauser http://hauserfoto.comFilm still from the set of the zombie comedy 'Brain Freeze', an episode from the 'An Evil Man' series, written and directed by Niles Maxwell. Most photos available as print / usage license.
Cast: Agnes Decker (Zombie), Andrew Malky (Evil Man), Thomas Goersch (Grocery Clerk), Edda Lina Janz (Shopper)
Hair and Make-up: Melanie Glawon
Camera: Daniel Schunn
Sound: Jonathan Müller
Gute Laune in den Drehpausen
Zombie comedy Brain Freeze set photo by Matthias Hauser http://hauserfoto.comFilm still from the set of the zombie comedy 'Brain Freeze', an episode from the 'An Evil Man' series, written and directed by Niles Maxwell. Most photos available as print / usage license.
Cast: Agnes Decker (Zombie), Andrew Malky (Evil Man), Thomas Goersch (Grocery Clerk), Edda Lina Janz (Shopper)
Hair and Make-up: Melanie Glawon
Camera: Daniel Schunn
Sound: Jonathan Müller
Kameramann Daniel Schunn filmt ein Closeup der Schuhe. Wenn man schon einmal einen Fashion Zombie da hat...
Zombie comedy Brain Freeze set photo by Matthias Hauser http://hauserfoto.comFilm still from the set of the zombie comedy 'Brain Freeze', an episode from the 'An Evil Man' series, written and directed by Niles Maxwell. Most photos available as print / usage license.
Cast: Agnes Decker (Zombie), Andrew Malky (Evil Man), Thomas Goersch (Grocery Clerk), Edda Lina Janz (Shopper)
Hair and Make-up: Melanie Glawon
Camera: Daniel Schunn
Sound: Jonathan Müller
Lebhafte Mimik einer Untoten
Zombie comedy Brain Freeze set photo by Matthias Hauser http://hauserfoto.comFilm still from the set of the zombie comedy 'Brain Freeze', an episode from the 'An Evil Man' series, written and directed by Niles Maxwell. Most photos available as print / usage license.
Cast: Agnes Decker (Zombie), Andrew Malky (Evil Man), Thomas Goersch (Grocery Clerk), Edda Lina Janz (Shopper)
Hair and Make-up: Melanie Glawon
Camera: Daniel Schunn
Sound: Jonathan Müller
Nachdenklicher Zombie
Zombie comedy Brain Freeze set photo by Matthias Hauser http://hauserfoto.comFilm still from the set of the zombie comedy 'Brain Freeze', an episode from the 'An Evil Man' series, written and directed by Niles Maxwell. Most photos available as print / usage license.
Cast: Agnes Decker (Zombie), Andrew Malky (Evil Man), Thomas Goersch (Grocery Clerk), Edda Lina Janz (Shopper)
Hair and Make-up: Melanie Glawon
Camera: Daniel Schunn
Sound: Jonathan Müller
Der Zombie mit Kameramann Daniel Schunn
Zombie comedy Brain Freeze set photo by Matthias Hauser http://hauserfoto.comFilm still from the set of the zombie comedy 'Brain Freeze', an episode from the 'An Evil Man' series, written and directed by Niles Maxwell. Most photos available as print / usage license.
Cast: Agnes Decker (Zombie), Andrew Malky (Evil Man), Thomas Goersch (Grocery Clerk), Edda Lina Janz (Shopper)
Hair and Make-up: Melanie Glawon
Camera: Daniel Schunn
Sound: Jonathan Müller
Die Innenszenen wurden in Bony's Frischmarkt in Dettenhausen gedreht, selbstverständlich habe ich einige Aufnahmen mit Personal, Ware und Zomie gemacht
Zombie comedy Brain Freeze set photo by Matthias Hauser http://hauserfoto.comFilm still from the set of the zombie comedy 'Brain Freeze', an episode from the 'An Evil Man' series, written and directed by Niles Maxwell. Most photos available as print / usage license.
Cast: Agnes Decker (Zombie), Andrew Malky (Evil Man), Thomas Goersch (Grocery Clerk), Edda Lina Janz (Shopper)
Hair and Make-up: Melanie Glawon
Camera: Daniel Schunn
Sound: Jonathan Müller
Zombie comedy Brain Freeze set photo by Matthias Hauser http://hauserfoto.comFilm still from the set of the zombie comedy 'Brain Freeze', an episode from the 'An Evil Man' series, written and directed by Niles Maxwell. Most photos available as print / usage license.
Cast: Agnes Decker (Zombie), Andrew Malky (Evil Man), Thomas Goersch (Grocery Clerk), Edda Lina Janz (Shopper)
Hair and Make-up: Melanie Glawon
Camera: Daniel Schunn
Sound: Jonathan Müller
Die Crew. Hinten von links nach rechts: Jonathan Müller (Ton), Sara Azarmi (Production Assistant), Edda Lina Janz (Schauspielerin), An Evil Man (Schauspieler), Thomas Goersch (Schauspieler), Melanie Glawon (Make-up und Haare). Vorne von links nach rechts: Niles Maxwell (Drehbuch, Regie, Produzent), Daniel Schunn (Kamera) und unser Zombie.
Zombie comedy Brain Freeze set photo by Matthias Hauser http://hauserfoto.comFilm still from the set of the zombie comedy 'Brain Freeze', an episode from the 'An Evil Man' series, written and directed by Niles Maxwell. Most photos available as print / usage license.
Cast: Agnes Decker (Zombie), Andrew Malky (Evil Man), Thomas Goersch (Grocery Clerk), Edda Lina Janz (Shopper)
Hair and Make-up: Melanie Glawon
Camera: Daniel Schunn
Sound: Jonathan Müller
"Haben Sie auch etwas Vegetarisches?"
Zombie comedy Brain Freeze set photo by Matthias Hauser http://hauserfoto.comFilm still from the set of the zombie comedy 'Brain Freeze', an episode from the 'An Evil Man' series, written and directed by Niles Maxwell. Most photos available as print / usage license.
Cast: Agnes Decker (Zombie), Andrew Malky (Evil Man), Thomas Goersch (Grocery Clerk), Edda Lina Janz (Shopper)
Hair and Make-up: Melanie Glawon
Camera: Daniel Schunn
Sound: Jonathan Müller
Das Catering wurde von Anongs Esszimmer in Dettenhausen übernommen, vielen Dank dafür, das Thaifood war sehr lecker!
Zombie comedy Brain Freeze set photo by Matthias Hauser http://hauserfoto.comFilm still from the set of the zombie comedy 'Brain Freeze', an episode from the 'An Evil Man' series, written and directed by Niles Maxwell. Most photos available as print / usage license.
Cast: Agnes Decker (Zombie), Andrew Malky (Evil Man), Thomas Goersch (Grocery Clerk), Edda Lina Janz (Shopper)
Hair and Make-up: Melanie Glawon
Camera: Daniel Schunn
Sound: Jonathan Müller
Warum sagt mir denn keiner wie ich aussehe?
Zombie comedy Brain Freeze set photo by Matthias Hauser http://hauserfoto.comFilm still from the set of the zombie comedy 'Brain Freeze', an episode from the 'An Evil Man' series, written and directed by Niles Maxwell. Most photos available as print / usage license.
Cast: Agnes Decker (Zombie), Andrew Malky (Evil Man), Thomas Goersch (Grocery Clerk), Edda Lina Janz (Shopper)
Hair and Make-up: Melanie Glawon
Camera: Daniel Schunn
Sound: Jonathan Müller
Zombie comedy Brain Freeze set photo by Matthias Hauser http://hauserfoto.comFilm still from the set of the zombie comedy 'Brain Freeze', an episode from the 'An Evil Man' series, written and directed by Niles Maxwell. Most photos available as print / usage license.
Cast: Agnes Decker (Zombie), Andrew Malky (Evil Man), Thomas Goersch (Grocery Clerk), Edda Lina Janz (Shopper)
Hair and Make-up: Melanie Glawon
Camera: Daniel Schunn
Sound: Jonathan Müller
Auftritt des Evil Man...
Zombie comedy Brain Freeze set photo by Matthias Hauser http://hauserfoto.comFilm still from the set of the zombie comedy 'Brain Freeze', an episode from the 'An Evil Man' series, written and directed by Niles Maxwell. Most photos available as print / usage license.
Cast: Agnes Decker (Zombie), Andrew Malky (Evil Man), Thomas Goersch (Grocery Clerk), Edda Lina Janz (Shopper)
Hair and Make-up: Melanie Glawon
Camera: Daniel Schunn
Sound: Jonathan Müller
Niles Maxwell und Daniel Schunn beim Dreh
Zombie comedy Brain Freeze set photo by Matthias Hauser http://hauserfoto.comFilm still from the set of the zombie comedy 'Brain Freeze', an episode from the 'An Evil Man' series, written and directed by Niles Maxwell. Most photos available as print / usage license.
Cast: Agnes Decker (Zombie), Andrew Malky (Evil Man), Thomas Goersch (Grocery Clerk), Edda Lina Janz (Shopper)
Hair and Make-up: Melanie Glawon
Camera: Daniel Schunn
Sound: Jonathan Müller
I am an evil man...
Zombie comedy Brain Freeze set photo by Matthias Hauser http://hauserfoto.comFilm still from the set of the zombie comedy 'Brain Freeze', an episode from the 'An Evil Man' series, written and directed by Niles Maxwell. Most photos available as print / usage license.
Cast: Agnes Decker (Zombie), Andrew Malky (Evil Man), Thomas Goersch (Grocery Clerk), Edda Lina Janz (Shopper)
Hair and Make-up: Melanie Glawon
Camera: Daniel Schunn
Sound: Jonathan Müller
Zuständig für den perfekten Ton: Jonathan Müller
Zombie comedy Brain Freeze set photo by Matthias Hauser http://hauserfoto.comFilm still from the set of the zombie comedy 'Brain Freeze', an episode from the 'An Evil Man' series, written and directed by Niles Maxwell. Most photos available as print / usage license.
Cast: Agnes Decker (Zombie), Andrew Malky (Evil Man), Thomas Goersch (Grocery Clerk), Edda Lina Janz (Shopper)
Hair and Make-up: Melanie Glawon
Camera: Daniel Schunn
Sound: Jonathan Müller
An Evil Man, Brain Freeze, Intro - Ordnung ist wichtig beim Dreh eines Filmes...
Zombie comedy Brain Freeze set photo by Matthias Hauser http://hauserfoto.comFilm still from the set of the zombie comedy 'Brain Freeze', an episode from the 'An Evil Man' series, written and directed by Niles Maxwell. Most photos available as print / usage license.
Cast: Agnes Decker (Zombie), Andrew Malky (Evil Man), Thomas Goersch (Grocery Clerk), Edda Lina Janz (Shopper)
Hair and Make-up: Melanie Glawon
Camera: Daniel Schunn
Sound: Jonathan Müller
Zuerst markieren wo sich das Gehirn befindet...
Zombie comedy Brain Freeze set photo by Matthias Hauser http://hauserfoto.comFilm still from the set of the zombie comedy 'Brain Freeze', an episode from the 'An Evil Man' series, written and directed by Niles Maxwell. Most photos available as print / usage license.
Cast: Agnes Decker (Zombie), Andrew Malky (Evil Man), Thomas Goersch (Grocery Clerk), Edda Lina Janz (Shopper)
Hair and Make-up: Melanie Glawon
Camera: Daniel Schunn
Sound: Jonathan Müller
... dann kann das Kettensägen Massaker beginnen.
Zombie comedy Brain Freeze set photo by Matthias Hauser http://hauserfoto.comFilm still from the set of the zombie comedy 'Brain Freeze', an episode from the 'An Evil Man' series, written and directed by Niles Maxwell. Most photos available as print / usage license.
Cast: Agnes Decker (Zombie), Andrew Malky (Evil Man), Thomas Goersch (Grocery Clerk), Edda Lina Janz (Shopper)
Hair and Make-up: Melanie Glawon
Camera: Daniel Schunn
Sound: Jonathan Müller
Andererseits klingt das mit dem Brain Freeze sehr reizvoll, das müsste man mal ausprobieren...
Zombie comedy Brain Freeze set photo by Matthias Hauser http://hauserfoto.comFilm still from the set of the zombie comedy 'Brain Freeze', an episode from the 'An Evil Man' series, written and directed by Niles Maxwell. Most photos available as print / usage license.
Cast: Agnes Decker (Zombie), Andrew Malky (Evil Man), Thomas Goersch (Grocery Clerk), Edda Lina Janz (Shopper)
Hair and Make-up: Melanie Glawon
Camera: Daniel Schunn
Sound: Jonathan Müller
Zombie comedy Brain Freeze set photo by Matthias Hauser http://hauserfoto.comFilm still from the set of the zombie comedy 'Brain Freeze', an episode from the 'An Evil Man' series, written and directed by Niles Maxwell. Most photos available as print / usage license.
Cast: Agnes Decker (Zombie), Andrew Malky (Evil Man), Thomas Goersch (Grocery Clerk), Edda Lina Janz (Shopper)
Hair and Make-up: Melanie Glawon
Camera: Daniel Schunn
Sound: Jonathan Müller
Was wenige wissen: Reichlich Schokoladeneis auf der Platte hilft auch gegen Sonnenbrand!
Zombie comedy Brain Freeze set photo by Matthias Hauser http://hauserfoto.comFilm still from the set of the zombie comedy 'Brain Freeze', an episode from the 'An Evil Man' series, written and directed by Niles Maxwell. Most photos available as print / usage license.
Cast: Agnes Decker (Zombie), Andrew Malky (Evil Man), Thomas Goersch (Grocery Clerk), Edda Lina Janz (Shopper)
Hair and Make-up: Melanie Glawon
Camera: Daniel Schunn
Sound: Jonathan Müller
Zombie comedy Brain Freeze set photo by Matthias Hauser http://hauserfoto.comFilm still from the set of the zombie comedy 'Brain Freeze', an episode from the 'An Evil Man' series, written and directed by Niles Maxwell. Most photos available as print / usage license.
Cast: Agnes Decker (Zombie), Andrew Malky (Evil Man), Thomas Goersch (Grocery Clerk), Edda Lina Janz (Shopper)
Hair and Make-up: Melanie Glawon
Camera: Daniel Schunn
Sound: Jonathan Müller
Dezentes Make-up? Check. Gepflegte Zähne? Check. Glänzende Augen? Check. Nägel gemacht? Check. Perfekter Zombie...
Zombie comedy Brain Freeze set photo by Matthias Hauser http://hauserfoto.comFilm still from the set of the zombie comedy 'Brain Freeze', an episode from the 'An Evil Man' series, written and directed by Niles Maxwell. Most photos available as print / usage license.
Cast: Agnes Decker (Zombie), Andrew Malky (Evil Man), Thomas Goersch (Grocery Clerk), Edda Lina Janz (Shopper)
Hair and Make-up: Melanie Glawon
Camera: Daniel Schunn
Sound: Jonathan Müller
Uuuuuarrrrghhhhh... Perfekter Zombie Walk.
Zombie comedy Brain Freeze set photo by Matthias Hauser http://hauserfoto.comFilm still from the set of the zombie comedy 'Brain Freeze', an episode from the 'An Evil Man' series, written and directed by Niles Maxwell. Most photos available as print / usage license.
Cast: Agnes Decker (Zombie), Andrew Malky (Evil Man), Thomas Goersch (Grocery Clerk), Edda Lina Janz (Shopper)
Hair and Make-up: Melanie Glawon
Camera: Daniel Schunn
Sound: Jonathan Müller
Aufzucht und Hege von Zombies Teil 1: In der Tonne bleiben sie lange frisch und ein wenig Zuwendung (z.B. hin und wieder übers Haar streichen) belohnen sie mit großer Anhänglichkeit.
Zombie comedy Brain Freeze set photo by Matthias Hauser http://hauserfoto.comFilm still from the set of the zombie comedy 'Brain Freeze', an episode from the 'An Evil Man' series, written and directed by Niles Maxwell. Most photos available as print / usage license.
Cast: Agnes Decker (Zombie), Andrew Malky (Evil Man), Thomas Goersch (Grocery Clerk), Edda Lina Janz (Shopper)
Hair and Make-up: Melanie Glawon
Camera: Daniel Schunn
Sound: Jonathan Müller
Zombie in der Tonne
Zombie comedy Brain Freeze set photo by Matthias Hauser http://hauserfoto.comFilm still from the set of the zombie comedy 'Brain Freeze', an episode from the 'An Evil Man' series, written and directed by Niles Maxwell. Most photos available as print / usage license.
Cast: Agnes Decker (Zombie), Andrew Malky (Evil Man), Thomas Goersch (Grocery Clerk), Edda Lina Janz (Shopper)
Hair and Make-up: Melanie Glawon
Camera: Daniel Schunn
Sound: Jonathan Müller
Zombie und Evil Man schwarzweiß im Film Noir look
Zombie comedy Brain Freeze set photo by Matthias Hauser http://hauserfoto.comFilm still from the set of the zombie comedy 'Brain Freeze', an episode from the 'An Evil Man' series, written and directed by Niles Maxwell. Most photos available as print / usage license.
Cast: Agnes Decker (Zombie), Andrew Malky (Evil Man), Thomas Goersch (Grocery Clerk), Edda Lina Janz (Shopper)
Hair and Make-up: Melanie Glawon
Camera: Daniel Schunn
Sound: Jonathan Müller
Oh, ich glaube da ist jemand hinter mir...
Zombie comedy Brain Freeze set photo by Matthias Hauser http://hauserfoto.comFilm still from the set of the zombie comedy 'Brain Freeze', an episode from the 'An Evil Man' series, written and directed by Niles Maxwell. Most photos available as print / usage license.
Cast: Agnes Decker (Zombie), Andrew Malky (Evil Man), Thomas Goersch (Grocery Clerk), Edda Lina Janz (Shopper)
Hair and Make-up: Melanie Glawon
Camera: Daniel Schunn
Sound: Jonathan Müller
Zombie und Evil Man kurz vor dem Essen
Zombie comedy Brain Freeze set photo by Matthias Hauser http://hauserfoto.comFilm still from the set of the zombie comedy 'Brain Freeze', an episode from the 'An Evil Man' series, written and directed by Niles Maxwell. Most photos available as print / usage license.
Cast: Agnes Decker (Zombie), Andrew Malky (Evil Man), Thomas Goersch (Grocery Clerk), Edda Lina Janz (Shopper)
Hair and Make-up: Melanie Glawon
Camera: Daniel Schunn
Sound: Jonathan Müller
Ich hab dich zum Fressen gern...
Zombie comedy Brain Freeze set photo by Matthias Hauser http://hauserfoto.comFilm still from the set of the zombie comedy 'Brain Freeze', an episode from the 'An Evil Man' series, written and directed by Niles Maxwell. Most photos available as print / usage license.
Cast: Agnes Decker (Zombie), Andrew Malky (Evil Man), Thomas Goersch (Grocery Clerk), Edda Lina Janz (Shopper)
Hair and Make-up: Melanie Glawon
Camera: Daniel Schunn
Sound: Jonathan Müller
Ist das nicht ein niedlicher Evil Man?
Zombie comedy Brain Freeze set photo by Matthias Hauser http://hauserfoto.comFilm still from the set of the zombie comedy 'Brain Freeze', an episode from the 'An Evil Man' series, written and directed by Niles Maxwell. Most photos available as print / usage license.
Cast: Agnes Decker (Zombie), Andrew Malky (Evil Man), Thomas Goersch (Grocery Clerk), Edda Lina Janz (Shopper)
Hair and Make-up: Melanie Glawon
Camera: Daniel Schunn
Sound: Jonathan Müller
But first let me take a selfie...
Fazit: Ein gelungener Tag, der gute Einblicke in das Filmbusiness bot. Meine Frau Elke und ich waren sehr beeindruckt von der Professionalität und dem Talent der Schauspieler. Manche Szene wurde ein halbes Dutzend mal wiederholt bis jedes Detail stimmte. Die Darstellerin des Zombies hatte massive weiße Kontaktlinsen und sah praktisch nichts, sie wurde in eine enge Regentonne voller Wasser gequetscht, der Evil Man mehrfach mit Schokoladeneis bekleckert und trotzdem verlor niemand die gute Laune und war stets auf Ansage präsent. Auch Kamera, Ton und Make-up waren auf einem sehr hohen Niveau und es war eine Freude, andere Profis bei der Arbeit zu beobachten und natürlich zu fotografieren.
Ich kann mir übrigens sehr gut vorstellen wieder einmal als Standbildfotograf (oder auf neudeutsch stills photographer) tätig zu sein. Liebe Filmschaffende, das Kontaktformular ist nur einen Klick entfernt... :-)
Andrew Malky (Evil Man)
Thomas Goersch (Kassierer)
Edda Lina Janz (Frau im Laden)
Make-up und Haar: Melanie Glawon
Drehbuch und Regie: Niles Maxwell
Kamera: Daniel Schunn
Sound: Jonathan Müller
Die bisher aktuellste Folge ist die Episode Orange, die ersten Folgen sind hier zu finden: Evil Man Playlist auf YouTube
Die jetzt produzierte Folge ist die bisher aufwendigste und wird vermutlich in einigen Wochen online gestellt.
An Evil Man Fanpage auf Facebook.
Wer sich schon immer mal einen Zombie an die Wand hängen wollte (als Poster, Print auf Fotopapier, Acryl oder Metall, Leinwand und vieles mehr) wird entweder hier auf der Webseite in der Zombie Galerie oder auf meiner Artist Website (powered by Fine Art America) fündig. Fragen aller Art beantworte ich gerne: Kontakt.
Sie benötigen ein Foto von einem Filmset oder ein Bild eines Zombies für Zeitung, Zeitschrift, Werbung usw.? Für fast alle Bilder sind Nutzungslizenzen verfügbar, Model Release ist jeweils vorhanden. Kontaktieren Sie mich.
Need a zombie photo as poster or fine art print? Or a usage license for a magazine, newspaper, calendar or an ad? Feel free to contact me.